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Bringing kids together through art.

Poetry Pals is the heart of Olive Tree Arts Network. In our workshops, students learn the fundamentals of poetry and culminate the experience by crafting their own poems. We are enhancing our curriculum by incorporating more team building activities and creating a pen pal-like program aimed at fostering deeper friendships among our students. We have "getting to know you" activities such as monthly letter exchanges centered around holidays and cultural events. Under the guidance of our teaching artists, students will be able to write and illustrate their own book about family traditions, and then share their stories by reading from their books in front of their peers.


With our participating schools, students have the opportunity to learn about different faiths and experience firsthand visits to a Mosque, a Synagogue and a Catholic Church.

"We are beginning to coach young children in the ability to question their beliefs about others, the snap judgements that we might make out of fear because of someone’s skin color, because of someone’s faith, because of how they dress…"

Reverend Darrell Jones, Board President

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